Bubba Begonia and the Bully
- story
- Categories:Literature & Fiction
- Language:English(Translation Services Available)
- Publication date:October,2013
- Pages:80
- Retail Price:14.65 CDN$
- Size:133mm×190mm
- Publication Place:Canada
- Words:(Unknown)
- Star Ratings:
- Text Color:(Unknown)
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Titles in the series:
bubba begonia, you've done it again
bubba begonia and the bully
bubba Begonia, You're Such A Lucky Guy
bubba begonia, you'll be sorry
He accidentally robs a bank, is called a hero and is given a reward. He has the worst birthday party ever, sees his favorite teacher dripping with egg, buys a wedding cake that tastes like looove, saves a bullys butt and nearly ends up in the slammer.
Gerry O’Brien has written three other books in the Bubba Begonia series, all published by the Acorn Press. He has also written two prize-winning picture books. As well, Gerry is the lyricist on three songs co-written with Tom Szczesniak and Ray Parker for Nelvana Productions in Toronto. One is featured in a Franklin The Turtle movie, another is the theme song for the children’s TV series called “Corduroy Bear” and the third is sung by Funshine Bear in the Care Bear movie Care Bears and The Journey to Joke A Lot. Gerry also has a poem entitled “Tis The Season” in Canadian poems for Canadian Kids [edited by Jen Hamilton published by Subway Books, Vancouver. Formerly of the Argyle Shore in Prince Edward Island, he now makes his home in Kitchener, Ontario, where he lives with his wife, Loretta. Visit him at his website gerryobrien.