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The Murmurings of the Great Geniuses

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English title 《 The Murmurings of the Great Geniuses 》
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"The creativity of young people repeatedly blows my mind."
- Ko Wen-che

"This book is hard to define and categorize, it's so original."
- Chang Ki-yi

"The history of science is so superbly unfolded, it's really funny!"
- Chen Chun-tai

"I would recommend this book as it combines fun and knowledge in a new way."
- Liu Chiung-lang


★You think you’re reading about science, but it’s really about life! Famous scientists’ Facebook synchronized online, take you to witness the life and science on the graffiti wall!
★Another masterpiece from the popular post-90s student group “One Nanometre Universe” in Taiwan’s chemistry circle! It was once a finalist for Taiwan Blog’s “Top 100 of the Year” and ranked No. 1 on the new book list!
★Do you know Newton’s reaction after being hit by an apple? Did Einstein also doze off in class? Was Schrödinger actually a lottery fanatic? See the great scientists take off the packaging of history and show the side of humanity!
★Although it’s imagined, it feels more real! You can boldly imagine the scientists coming to our side, whispering gently, telling you that this is their true appearance!
★The fictional imagination of Facebook’s dynamic is full of ingenuity, making you exclaim in admiration!


The new era requires another new form of knowledge transfer and sharing: through the interactive Facebook community, the author, “One Nanometre Universe” has recreated a more humane and close-to-life image of famous scientists in this book. You can try to imagine:

After Isaac Newton was hit by an apple, what would he write on Facebook? “Damn, my head hurts” and changed his status to “hate apples”.

How Alfred Lothar Wegener, who proposed the theory of continental drift, would share his simulation of tectonic plates on his Facebook page, even exclaiming “The belly is like a plate, except that the plates keep drifting apart while the belly keeps drifting together.”

Thomas Alva Edison’s personal page used the lighting of a light bulb as a metaphor for love, but was met with jealous comments from inventors such as Henry Goebbels, who said, “We all deserve credit for inventing the light bulb, why are you the only one who’s popular?”

[This book is imaginary but more real!]
These genius scientists lamented about life and discussed science on the graffiti wall. From the messages and dialogues, they stepped down from the altar, took off the veneer wrapped in history, and seemed to have travelled through time and space to come to us, murmuring and telling the people who came after them what they were really like!

Each chapter of the book includes “About Life”, “A Classroom of One Nanometre”, “Whiny postings”, “Dynamic Times” and a short biography of the scientist, which is sensual, intellectual and interesting at the same time. The fictional imagery of one of the Facebook dynamics are so full of ingenuity that you definitely can't help but marvel at them!


One Nanometre Universe:

This team was born in the summer of 2016. It's funny looking back, they never thought they'd get this far. It started with seeing a lot of beautiful images in the lab and insisting that it shouldn't just be something they saw, so they started choosing images, writing poems and designs, putting them on their Facebook fan page and sharing them with people, hoping that in the midst of a soldiering world, there would be a place in the universe where they could have a dialogue with the world. As the group spent more time together, more and more ideas emerged. So more scientific elements were born, and this book series is one of those ideas. It was never intended that anything would come of it, but these interesting scientists did have a spark!

The brains behind "One Nanometre Universe
Xue Cheng was born at the end of 1993. He never wanted to be an engineer from birth, but mistakenly enrolled in the University of Transport, where all the students are engineers. He has never taken a serious Mandarin course, but has published a book. During a certain jogging session, he thought that he had studied chemistry for so many years, but had never done anything crazy related to chemistry. So he formed the writing team of "One Nanometre Universe", which was originally intended to show his dream of science and technology as a literary young man, but inexplicably went off the rails. In this book, he is mainly responsible for writing the part of the book that combines the scientific principles with the similarities of life situations.


Explore life from science, experience science from life.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the scientists in the past also had Facebook, PTT and Google like us? "The Murmurings of the Great Geniuses" is a creative work developed by the team of "One Nanometre Universe". Imagine that famous scientists are online on Facebook simultaneously, and we can learn about their scientific achievements and life thoughts from their graffiti on the wall.

The "One Nanometre Universe" team is made up of very interesting members, some of whom have taken my class at the University of Transport, and I have found that they often have a lot of wild ideas and are also able to find ways to put them into practice. This team uses scientific microscope images for secondary creation, so that the microscope images obtained from scientific research are not just images, but also give meaning to the images and combine them with different themes, so that viewers can feel as if they are living under the microscope.

Continuing the cross-disciplinary concept of science and life, they wrote this book, "The Murmurings of the Great Geniuses". In the book, we can see scientists from different periods such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Archimedes, etc. on Facebook at the same time. In their Facebook walls, an interesting daily life posting reminds people of their scientific achievements: Isaac Newton would complain about "Damn, my head hurts" on Facebook because he was hit on the head by an apple, and his status was changed to "Hate apples". Albert Einstein, on the other hand, used the theory of relativity to describe a student who had been up late in class and had fallen asleep, and then suddenly the class was over in the blink of an eye, linking class time to the concept of the speed of light. My own favourite is Clausius' post on Facebook, "My room conforms to the second law of thermodynamics and gets messy over time." Because that's what often happens in my office (The laws of science are right)! In addition, scientists also leave messages on each other's Facebook pages, and unlikely historical science fights take place, making "The Murmurings of the Great Geniuses" a truly interesting book.

In addition to the Facebook rants of scientists and philosophers, the book also includes a small section on 'About Life', which expresses the authors' thoughts on the subject. There is also an "A Classroom of One Nanometre" and biographies of the scientists so that readers can understand the real time and space context of these scientists and the scientific significance of their theories. There is a lot of useful science and life knowledge to be learnt in a fun way, and the ingenuity of the authors can be seen in many parts of the book, which will often make you smile.

There is a famous advertisement line - "The faster the world goes, the slower the mind goes". In today's world of fast information, it is often necessary to slow down the mind to experience and think. From "The Murmurings of the Great Geniuses", I believe that readers will be able to see science, experience life, and give feedback on their lives.

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