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Little Fish with Big Dreams Series: My Friend is Special

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It opens a door of fantasy for children to understand the ocean, enabling them to explore and discover its mysteries in an immersive way!
--Wu Yan, Professor of Southern University of Science and Technology and Director of the Research Center for Science and Human Imagination.

Every child has countless dreams. Follow the sea creatures in this book to realize your “ocean dreams”!
--Yang Peng, China's First Disney Signed Author


★It is written by Lu Yang, winner of the Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award, founder of the Children's Science Fiction Alliance, and a renowned writer of children's science fiction literature
★It is strongly recommended by Wu Yan, professor of Southern University of Science and Technology and Director of the Research Center for Science and Human Imagination, as well as Yang Peng, China's first Disney-contracted writer!
★It allows teenagers to better understand and explore the ocean, and it enhances their sense of responsibility to protect the ocean and other natural ecosystems.
★Starting from children's curiosity about the ocean, it skillfully combines real scientific knowledge of the ocean with exciting science fiction plots, and creates a work that can lead the reading mode of marine science fiction.
★It has won the following prizes:
“The 2018 National Outstanding Science Popularization Work Award”,
“The Silver Award for Best Children's Medium-length Novel in the 8th Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Awards”
“The 2017 National Laurel Children's Book • Science Encyclopedia Finalist Award”
“The Excellent Popular Science Work of Anhui Province in 2018”
“The Excellent Popular Science Work of Anhui Popular Science Writers’ Association in 2017”
“The Ten Favorite Books of Primary and Secondary School Students in Guangdong Province in the 2017-2018 Academic Year”.

The series includes 10 titles:
“Whisper of the Sperm Whale”
“The Miracle of Sailing Around the World”
“The Spinning Island”
“My Friend is Special”
“The Floating Island and the Deep Sea Treasure”
“The Undersea City and the Ancient Civilization”
“The Legendary Journey of the Navigators”
“The League of Small Fish in the Pacific”
“The Legend of Mermaids in the Atlantic Ocean”
“The Mysterious Visitors of Bermuda”


It tells the story of Jiang Xiaodi, a porpoise who travels from the Yangtze River to the sea in search of his father. On the way, he meets up with the dolphin Bohemia, octopus Bilgea, swordfish Carlo, sailfish Fielder, and eel Mantes, and they form an “Ocean Adventure Group”.


Lu Yang

Founder of the Children's Science Fiction Alliance, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Fifth Children's Science Fiction Nebula Award, “National Reading Promoter” of the First National Reading Season of the Chinese Writers' Association, and National Pioneer of Popular Science Education and Creation.
He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association, director of China Popular Science Writers Association, member of China Science Education Film and Television Association, special researcher of Beijing Yuanyu Science Fiction and Future Technology Research Institute, contracted writer of Bajin Literary Institute, member of Sichuan Writers' Association's Children's Committee, vice president of Sichuan Popular Science Writers' Association, vice chairman of Ya'an Writers' Association, and vice chairman of Ya'an Film and Television Artistes' Association.
His works have won more than 30 awards, including the National Outstanding Popular Science Work Award of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Outstanding Book Award of Transfusion Publishing, and the Nebula Award of Global Chinese Science Fiction. He has published 237 books with more than 17 million words, with a total circulation of 7 million copies. Meanwhile, he has conducted nearly 800 science fiction lectures throughout the country. His brand books include: “Little Fish with Big Dreams”, “The Little Dragon Team of Adventure”, and “Earth Tribe”.


1.“Little Monster” Becomes “Superstar”
2.Becoming a Lifesaver at Sea
3.The Human Trap at Dolphin Cove
4.The Bad-Tempered Swordfish Carlo
5.Who's the Stalker?
6.The Electric Eel's “Lightning Magic”.
7.Mysterious Undersea Base
8.Lost Sailfish
9.Helpful Friends

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