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"Alien Diary" series: Celebrate the New Year on the Quick-Footed Planet (Mercury)

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English title 《 "Alien Diary" series: Celebrate the New Year on the Quick-Footed Planet (Mercury) 》
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Every Earthling should understand the Earth's place in the universe and appreciate the relationship between the self and the cosmos. We love and are loved on this tiny Earth, and we also comprehend life in the grand universe. This book seamlessly integrates scientific knowledge into lively and fascinating stories, conveying a unique scientific romance, telling children that their small hearts can hold the entire universe, and they should pursue the poetry of flight and the vast distances.
— Chen Qiufan (winner of the Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award, China Science Fiction Galaxy Award, and Vice Chairman of the China Science Popularization Association)

The "Alien Diary" series, with its vibrant language and detailed settings, transports readers to unique alien worlds such as the Moon, Venus, and Mars, where they can experience the fascinating extraterrestrial life alongside the alien protagonists. The story presents the space truths of different planets through a childlike perspective, combining fun and scientific popularization, making it suitable for middle and lower-grade students and children who are curious about the universe.
— Zhao Haihong (winner of the China Science Fiction Galaxy Award and the National Outstanding Children's Literature Award)

When we look up at the stars, we always like to view the changes of the stars from the perspective of onlookers. The universe can be understood in more than one way. This book introduces the special environmental characteristics of different planets through the "real" diaries of alien children living on different planets, writing scientific knowledge in an innocent and playful language, bringing us closer to the distant stars, broadening our horizons, and elevating our perspectives.
— Tang Haiming (Director of the Sheshan Science Popularization Education Base of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Astronomical Society)


★Sales have exceeded 440,000 copies! Lively and lovely, unconventional publishing editor Lu Shan, extremely passionate about drawing Liang Yuchen, and Shi Wei, a member of the Informationization Working Committee of the Chinese Astronomical Society and Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Astronomical Society, have created this series with great enthusiasm!
★ Chen Qiufan, winner of the Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award and China Science Fiction Galaxy Award, Zhao Haihong, winner of the National Excellent Children's Literature Award, and Tang Haiming, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Astronomical Society, strongly recommend it!
★ Tang Haiming, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Astronomical Society, astrophysicist Dr. Sun Zhengfan, and teachers from the Hangzhou Astronomical Society, among others, have participated in the review!
★ Real astronomical knowledge and humorous stories can both be found in this series. It's a top-secret diary that space agencies around the world want to get their hands on, and a must-have guide to life in the solar system!
★ It is a popular science fairy tale, science fiction novel, fairy tale book, and also a bridge book for young children!
★ The series is presented from the perspective of aliens, which children are most interested in, through the "real" diaries of alien children, telling the stories of life on the seven major planets and the Moon in the solar system, as well as their stories with Earth. Each book corresponds to a planet, creating a romantic and surprising space imagination based on scientific principles.
★ Imagining aliens is a unique way for children to understand astronomy, an experience full of curiosity and imagination, making astronomical knowledge more approachable, interesting, and easy to understand; starting from the cosmic identity of aliens, blending reality and fantasy, and breaking away from the habitual thinking of Earth's inhabitants.
★ Rich knowledge expansion, different from traditional popular science books, tells science through storytelling. Each book includes the "When Scientists Meet Space Diaries" section, abandoning the traditional way of introducing scientific knowledge and cleverly arranging for the diary to fall to Earth, where it is picked up by Earth scientists and studied and analyzed.
★ The book comes with free audio courses, planetary passports, emoticon badges, or refrigerator magnets, allowing children to learn more about the truth of the universe!

This series includes 9 titles:
"Is the Holey Planet Exposed? (The Moon)"
"Escape from Black King Kong Planet (Venus)"
"Vacation on the Tourism Planet (Mars)"
"Celebrate the New Year on the Quick-Footed Planet (Mercury)"
"Weather Planet Wars (Jupiter)"
"Visitors to the Halo Planet (Saturn)"
"The Ultimate Code of the Lying Planet (Uranus)"
"The Wandering Plan of the Whirlwind Planet (Neptune)"
"The Billion-Year Memoirs of the Sun Planet (The Sun)"


This book introduces the mysterious life of aliens on Mercury from the perspective of Prince Lion, a prince from the Quick-Footed Star people, for young readers. Prince Lion introduces the unique text reading order of Quick-Footed Star (known as "Mercury" by Earthlings)—from right to left. He also takes his adoptive brother, Tourism Planetarian Big Sun, and other members of the Earth Detective Team, including Holey Planetarian Scissors Rock Paper and Black King Kong Star person 7654321, on a tour of Quick-Footed Star, collecting a lot of information on the interactions between Quick-Footed Star and Earth. In order to become a science fiction writer, Prince Lion has also collected information about the lives of Earthlings in space stations and shared a lot of knowledge about the lives of Earth astronauts in space stations with his diary. The Earth Detective Team has launched a new "Diary" mission to Earth, and on the other hand, they are also trying to make contact with the Gas Giant Planetarians. Will they succeed?


Lu Shan

On Earth, she is an editor at a publishing house, a graduate of the Institute of Children's Culture at Zhejiang Normal University, and loves to write stories for Earth's children; in the universe, she is a space travel enthusiast with 1‰ alien genes in her body, leisurely traveling around the solar system, occasionally being playful, and even throwing the "Alien Diary" series she collected onto Earth...


Star-Legged Hair Flying
New Companion Meet and Greet
A World of Ice and Fire
A Strange Schedule
Welcome to Quick-Footed Planet
"Burn Your Calories" Solar System Geological Museum
Top Ten Wonders of the Solar System: The Magical Double Sunrise and Sunset
Mysterious Gas Giant Planet Aliens
Earthlings Without Superpowers in Space
Celebrating New Year with Centenarian Aliens
The Probes Only Grown-ups Have Seen
The Probe "Messenger" Makes a Crater
The "Messenger" That Loves to Find Water
Earthlings' Space Exploration Plan VS Aliens' Exploration Plan of Earth
Scientists Meet Space Diaries
Postscript to the Creation: Writing Curiosity into the Universe

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