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10 Keys to Keeping Your Child’s Behavior from Getting Out of Hand: Raising Kids Who Don’t Get Emotional, Overwhelmed, Overbearing, or Defiant

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English title 《 10 Keys to Keeping Your Child’s Behavior from Getting Out of Hand: Raising Kids Who Don’t Get Emotional, Overwhelmed, Overbearing, or Defiant 》
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If parents don’t freak out, kids don’t lose control!

10 Keys to Keeping Your Child’s Behavior from Getting Out of Hand: Raising Kids Who Don’t Get Emotional, Overwhelmed, Overbearing, or Defiant!
Parenting that starts with changing your child’s explosive emotions, uncontrolled and defiant behavior!
Master the key guidance methods to boost your child’s positive behavior 100% by age 6!

If you use anger against your child, you lose!
A child has boundless energy, can’t sit and stay still— parents think he’s a little imp!
A child who is always getting into trouble due to curiosity and enjoys himself when he is in danger — parents think he is uneducable!
A child who is deliberately naughty and goes on a rampage to keep his parents’ attention— his parents think he is a capricious little emperor!

The uncontrollable behaviors of young children are in fact a natural instinct, but the parents are too nervous and exhausted to guide their children rationally, and end up losing control of their own emotions instead!
Correcting your child’s out-of-control behavior is not a parent-child war, but a war between parents and their own emotions! When you use your anger to fight against your child’s natural and innocent behaviors, you lose!
When your child causes a mess or is out of control, analyze why they did or said that. Use the 10 key principles and 40 calming techniques to stabilize your child’s emotions and enhance 100% of your child’s positive behaviors!


Chen Yiping

She has been teaching in elementary school for more than 30 years and specializes in teaching and leading first and second grade students, with particular emphasis on personality education for young children. She believes, “Personality determines the success or failure of a person's life, and personality education is far more important than academic qualifications, and a good personality should be built up from an early age.”

The author is also a children's book writer, and is the author of “End of Term Day” and “Sour-Faced Transfer Student”, which are written in a fresh style and close to life.


Preface With the correct methods, the children will not be out of control.

Chapter 1 Children are Energetic and Disruptive— Don’t Confront them with Anger
01 Tapping is your child’s way of exploring the world, no need to overreact
02 Throwing things is a kind of experiment for your child, no need to clean it up in a hurry
03 Messing up the room and turning it upside down will make your child feel secure
04 Do not react when your child "intentionally" spills a drink

Chapter 2 How to get an Uncontrolled imp to be obedient— Give your child specific, simple and clear instructions
01 When a child doesn’t follow instructions, sometimes it’s because of wrong instructions
02 If your child doesn’t want to leave the playground, you can “foretell” him the time to leave
03 When your child is engrossed in games, give him a buffer time to withdraw from emotions
04 If your child likes to scream, do not scream back

Chapter 3 How to Get Children out of the Emotional Situation— Encouragement, Companionship, Sense of Security and Respect for the Nature of Them
01 A quiet and depressed child needs more encouragement and the sense of security
02 A weak and docile child needs to be taught to protect his rights and interests
03 An imaginary friend is the child’s protector and scapegoat
04 When he retreats in frustration, let him learn to solve things
05 Helping your child get dressed is like fighting a war, so look at it in a more relaxed mood
06 Teach your child the right techniques if he insists on dressing himself

Chapter 4 Disciplining Your Child’s Willful and Overbearing Habits— Limit His Demands and Never Give into Him
01 Need to be carried just a short walk is because of the fear of losing intimacy with parents
02 Wanting everything he sees is to emphasize his own importance
03 Children who don’t lack anything can’t accept being rejected
04 A bossy and pushy child thinks he is the most important person in the world
05 Calm at school but wild at home because home gives him a sense of security

Chapter 5 Change Children’s Bad Habit of Rude behaviors— Teaching Children Self-Discipline and the Right Way to Treat Others
01 A child who is aggressive with his playmates is often due to a lack of expression
02 Children bite when they are upset because they find biting is more effective than words
03 Children are rude to their playmates because they think they are the center of the universe
04 The child likes to destroy toys violently, so teach him to release his negative emotions
05 When your child exhibits destructive behavior, ask him to help clean up the mess

Chapter 6 To Reverse Your Child’s Strong Possessiveness— Cultivating them the Concept of Taking Turns and Respecting Others’ Needs
01 Teach child the concept of "taking turns" when they insist on “my priority” in everything
02 Rejecting parents to talk to visitors because they don’t want to lose their parents’ attention
03 The love of "packing" is actually a way for children to emphasize their importance
04 Handle the child’s possessiveness of the mother with a positive and humorous attitude

Chapter 7 To Change Your Child’s Selfish and Unkind Attitude— Don’t Criticize Him for Being Selfish or Force Him to Share
01 Changing from generosity to selfishness, he is actually protecting his own rights
02 Teach child empathy gradually if he doesn’t care about other people’s feelings
03 Children talk meanly to their playmates because they think it’s funny or attention-grabbing.
04 Children have zero interaction during game time because they are too young to be socialized

Chapter 8 What to Do if Your Child Has Problems with His Peers? — Teach Him to Protect His Rights and Expand His Friendship Circle
01 Use the positive family atmosphere to correct child if he learns bad behaviors from others
02 If your child’s peers are violent, teach him to protect his rights
03 Children don’t know how to make friends, so give them space to adjust their social pace

Chapter 9 To Prevent Your Child from Having a Meltdown in Public Places— Give more Attention and Distract Him
01 Making a scene in public is really a child’s mind playing tricks
02 Ranting and raving in a restaurant can be fun for your child
03 Do not scold your child for his childish words without thinking if he offends others

Chapter 10 How to Teach Your Child if He Has a Petty Theft Shoplifting? —Don’t Label Him Negatively
01 If your child steals things, return them with him
02 If your child lies, let him know that honesty gets a positive response

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