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Strength-based Practice with Children and Families

  • Social Work
  • Categories:Education Theory Primary Education
  • Language:English(Translation Services Available)
  • Publication date:September,2023
  • Pages:218
  • Retail Price:(Unknown)
  • Size:(Unknown)
  • Page Views:8
  • Words:(Unknown)
  • Star Ratings:
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English title 《 Strength-based Practice with Children and Families 》
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Strength-based practice is an optimistic and empowering approach that is becoming increasingly popular in the education sector from early years to middle years and youth services. This book helps those working with children and families embed this approach in their practice to make a positive difference to children's lives.

Intended for students and practitioners working with children and families, this book provides a practical guide, demonstrating how to identify strengths in the most challenging of situations and offers an optimistic and empowering approach using a diverse range of case studies. It is also relevant for those involved in SEND and social work. The study of strength-based practice has been widely used in the health and social care sector and is becoming more popular within the educational sector, aiming to fill a gap in training for future practitioners working with children and families. Using case studies and reflective questions, this book marries the practical and theoretical, demonstrating how to apply this knowledge in a variety of settings.


Angela Hodgkins has worked with children and families for 20 years in a range of settings and roles. She is now a senior lecturer at the University of Worcester and Course Leader for the BA (Hons) Integrated Working with Children and Families. Angela’s main research interests are empathy, emotional intelligence, and children’s rights. She is currently conducting research for a PhD, looking at early childhood practitioners’ perceptions of empathy within their role.

Alison Prowle began her career as a primary school teacher where she first witnessed the effects of multiple disadvantages on outcomes for children. This sparked a passion for early intervention with families and young children, working within schools, children’s centres, the voluntary sector, and local government. Most recently Alison has been teaching, researching, and writing in the area of adverse childhood experiences, integrated working, parenting, and families at the University of Worcester.


Chapter 1: A glass half full: introducing our strength-based philosophy
Chapter 2: Strength based practice in the first 1000 days (conception to age 2)
Chapter 3: Strength based practice within the early years
Chapter 4: Strength based practice in middle childhood
Chapter 5: Strength based practice in youth services
Chapter 6: Strength based practice with children and young people who have SEND
Chapter 7: Strength based practice with parents and carers
Chapter 8: Strength based practice with people who have suffered adverse life experiences
Chapter 9: Strength based practice in safeguarding and child protection
Chapter 10: Celebrating diversity as a strength
Chapter 11: Strength-based leadership and management
Chapter 12: Looking to the future with optimism and hope

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